When the War Comes Home

by Jill Dalton



Our country’s rocked by yet another mass shooting this time in Newtown, Connecticut.  This time, according to reports, a 20-year-old kid, Adam Lanza shot and killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, in their home then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School where he killed six adults including the principal and 20 children before killing himself.

This time three weapons were found in the car: a .223 caliber “Bushmaster” rifle and two pistols, a Sig Sauer and a Glock.  Adam’s mother, Nancy Lanza, a gun enthusiast who’d taken both her children to the rifle range to learn how to shoot, legally owned all these guns.

Image by Shepard Fairey                    

 This shooting, one of the deadliest in U.S. history, is second only to the rampage that killed 32 students at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. This in a country where just five months earlier another gunman killed 12 in a movie theater in Aurora, Colo.,

I’m always amazed when Americans express their shock at yet another mass shooting when we live in a culture awash in violence.  In fact, we glorify violence.  It’s produced, packaged and promoted by Hollywood, television and video games.   We live in a country where we shoot first and ask questions later or not at all.  The NRA drafted the “stand your ground” law, which caused the senseless murder of Travon Martin, and this Neanderthal law has been enacted in 25 states.  We live in a culture where our government no longer negotiates to solve issues with other nations but instead uses preemptive illegal wars and we now find ourselves residing in a state of permanent war.

 We have a president who offers his condolences to the families, sheds a few tears over the loss as he reassures us, “Our hearts are broken today.” and promises “meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this.”  Then turns around and picks from his “kill list” who he’ll assassinate without due process via remote control by sending out one of his many drones of empire to track down and murder brown people, which results in the slaughter of innocent civilians including women and children, euphemistically referred to by our military as “collateral damage.”

 I ask myself what’s the difference between these mass shootings and murdering children in the Middle East?  Let’s be honest, we have a president who condones and carries out violence everyday and the American people make not so much as a peep about this.  Our racism runs so deep it’s become an acceptable norm.

 The paradox of the American psyche allows us to grieve over these white children while ignoring the brown ones in the Middle East.  I’m amazed at how good Americans are at denial and sticking our collective heads in the sand as we perpetrate violence against our own children by ignoring 16 million who live in poverty and go to sleep hungry and even homeless every night.  We have one of the highest child poverty rates in the world. 

 We’re somehow able to compartmentalize these situations in order to rationalize our atrocities.  This is what comes with a corporate culture now devoid of any real empathy for others.  If these were poor black children in New Orleans instead of white kids from Connecticut would our outcry be so loud?  It certainly wasn’t during Katrina.  We allowed people to rot in the heat and toxic waters for days without any help.

 Racism is so embedded into our collective unconscious we can’t even make the connection and, in fact, many are incensed when the comparison is even suggested. 

 And even when presented with the facts, like lemmings to the sea, the people proclaim, “They hate us for our freedoms.”  No, actually they hate us for our hypocrisy.  They hate us for pretending to promote democracy when, in fact, we support and install dictatorships (i.e. Shah of Iran) around the world and we’re not fighting terrorism so much as creating more of it as we struggle to steal resources while simultaneously bankrupting ourselves.

 People will go to great lengths to protect their worldview and if that worldview believes the U.S. are the good guys — the protectors of the world, despite facts to the contrary, than anything that challenges that belief, albeit how distorted that worldview is, will be met with huge resistance and hostility.



 We now live in a corporate culture based on fear and lack.  Our values have deteriorated from hard work, cooperation, and faith “All for one and one for all” to lovelessness, greed and profit at any cost.  Money is our God and when you worship the false god of greed the darkness moves in.

We’ve become desensitized to violence and our corporate culture is antithetical to human values. This violence and hardheartedness comes in many forms. 

We now live in a nation where corporations are people and money equals free speech.

We live in a rich nation that allows half it’s citizens to live in poverty or near poverty. 

We live in a nation that allows millions of her children to go to bed hungry and homeless yet spends billions on the military industrial complex and the surveillance police state that’s been put into place.

We live in a culture that condones banks foreclosing on people’s homes while stealing pensions and life savings and allows corporate CEO’s and Wall Street bankers to roam free without so much as a slap on the wrist for collapsing the global economy.

We live in a corporate culture where each year 44,000 people are allowed to die and denied health care so the insurance companies can make obscene profits.

We live in a culture where a person can be thrown in prison for smoking a joint but when banks and Wall Street steal billions and launder drug trafficking money it makes you a “Master of the Universe.” 

We live in a culture that spends $40,00 a year to incarcerate each prison inmate but only $8,000 a year to educate an elementary school student.

We live in a culture where whistleblowers are labeled terrorists while the real criminals remain in positions of power in our government and corporate halls.

We live in a culture that condones and conducts torture not just overseas but throughout our industrial prison complex. 

We live in a culture that supports the death penalty even though the rest of the world stopped this inhumane practice long ago. 

We live in a culture that spies on its citizens, illegally searches (be it the racially motivated New York Stop and Frisk law) or accosting U.S. citizens at every airport. 

We live in a culture that is destroying our unions and outsourcing our jobs so more and more people are not able to earn a living wage. 

We live in a culture where our police forces are now militarized and protect the 1%.

We live in a culture that shuts down peaceful protests (Occupy) while allowing extremist gun toting, racist spewing Tea Party rallies to chant their bile hatred without consequences.

We live in a culture that claims to export democracy while simultaneously stripping Americans of their rights.  And now that Obama’s signed the NDAA into law he can assassinate or put any U.S. citizen into prison without due process until the “end of hostilities,” which in a state of permanent war means indefinitely.

We live in a country where any fool with ready cash can buy an automatic weapon without a background check. 

We live in a culture where 2nd Amendment rights are held up as a sacred cow, as the rest of the Bill of Rights is shredded.



 Changing the gun laws will not change the hatred in people’s hearts but we have no business selling automatic or semi automatic weapons designed to make sure the victim does not survive. We have stricter laws governing hunting then regarding these assault weapons of mass destruction, which should not be allowed for personal use under any circumstances.

 Guns in the U.S kill 35 people a day. 

 The NRA screams 2nd Amendment rights as their posse of gun lobbyists buy off legislators to protect their right to buy, sell and own automatic weapons.  But what about my rights as a U.S. citizen not to be murdered by someone with a grudge, mental problem or on some over prescribed/under supervised hallucinogenic prescription drug who can pick up a gun at the nearest Wal-Mart or gun show and decide to take out anyone he pleases.  Where are my rights? 

 The NRA calling for more guns in schools as a solution is insanity and just another knee jerk reaction that will lead to more shootings. 

 “Making guns easily accessible to everyone does not make our communities safer: the evidence is clear that more guns mean more homicide.”  “Firearms Research: Homicide,” Harvard School of Public Health, accessed 01-03-13.

 And according to a recent study by Texas A&M University the “stand your ground” law has increased homicide rates between 7-9% in the states that implemented it.  More guns do not make us safer.  

 Back in August in New York City during rush hour there was a gunman near the Empire State building and 9 victims were wounded all by police gunfire.  If the police can’t stay calm under pressure then how can a school principal or teacher?  So I guess we’ll hire armed guards to run our schools like the prison industrial complex.

 The NRA doesn’t care about your children.  They care about profits.  The bottom line.  Money.  That’s why they lobby so hard on Capital Hill.  The NRA and the people who insist on these high-powered weapons (mainly white males who fear blacks) are cowards. 

 As for those who fear the government will come and get you rest assured if they want you you’re no match for the Navy Seal team they’ll send to your house to apprehend you.

 We don’t need more guns.  We need fewer guns and stricter gun checks.  We need to enforce strict background checks and gun owners should be required to get a license similar to what we do for driving a car and to carry insurance so if they shoot or kill anyone they’ll have to pay. 

I personally detest guns but I don’t believe our government has the right to confiscate them either.  My Colonel father owned guns, which he kept under lock and key.  I never saw one unless he took them out to clean them except once when he thought we had a burglar downstairs. My father called out in a very loud voice, “I’m going to get my gun.”  I said, “Are you going to shoot someone?”  His reply, “If someone’s in my house I will.”  Now, I realize he was speaking loudly to give the would-be burglar, if indeed there was one, a chance to get the heck out of our house.  Because dealing with weapons was part of my father’s profession there was total respect for them and what they’re used for, to kill people. 

 We are a culture awash in violence that uses war to negotiate and in the words of Jeremiah Wright, “The chickens have come home to roost.”

Timeline of mass shootings.



 After yet another one of these shootings I always wonder what would drive a child to pick up a weapon and commit mass murder?  The Secret Service did a study on assassins, the Exceptional Case Study Project, then extended the study to include 32 school shooters and released their findings in 2002.  Contrary to popular belief there is no set profile for these shooters, however, they do follow certain action steps, which occur over days, weeks, months of planning, which the Secret Service calls the pathway to attack.  These actions include:

 They pick a weapon.

They practice with the weapon.

2/3’s of the assassins tell someone about their plans for the attack.  They also usually write about it.

They feel desperate and believe violence will solve their problems.

They believe they needed a gun to be heard because nobody cared.

They couldn’t find a reason not to do it.

Afterwards they feel remorse, as it didn’t work out the way they thought it would.

 Many times school shooters are victims of bullying.  In the case of the shooter Luke Woodham, (16), he killed 2 students, injured 7 others at his high school on Oct 1, 1997 at Pearl High School in Mississippi but first he stabbed and bludgeoned his mother to death.

He was mad at the way people treated him.  Classmates pushed him around; called him gay or stupid, and threw rocks at him.  Minutes prior to the shooting Woodham gave this message to a friend.

“I am not insane, I am angry. I killed because people like me are mistreated every day. I did this to show society, push us and we will push back. … All throughout my life, I was ridiculed, always beaten, always hated. Can you, society, truly blame me for what I do? Yes, you will. … It was not a cry for attention; it was not a cry for help. It was a scream in sheer agony saying that if you can’t pry your eyes open, if I can’t do it through pacifism, if I can’t show you through the displaying of intelligence, then I will do it with a bullet.”

Woodham wished he’d been stopped.  He’d been acting out over the course of 2-3 years, turning up the volume and trying to get someone to intervene but in a violent macho gun culture where boys are not allowed to express their feelings let alone cry they cry bullets instead.

One of the most profound findings of the Secret Service study revealed 90% of all the school shooters were on prescription drugs with little or no therapy or supervision for their mental or physical conditions.  In the case of Adam Lanza, he had Asperger’s a form of autism and he too was on medication.

The findings from the Secret Service report immediately raised a red flag for me.  Here’s a list of school shooters and medications they were taking.



 War is big business.  Guns are big business.  The military industrial complex and weapon manufacturers who traffic in fear, murder and lies are stealing our money, our conscience and our future.  Our politicians are bought and paid for and to expect them to do anything is absurd. 

 Mark my words there will be no effective gun reform.  Our government is dysfunctional and paralyzed.  The Feinstein bill, a band aide posing as a solution, exempts 900 weapons.  Our legislators are very “Slim Shady” when it comes to these bills.  They put fancy names on them and then exempt the criminal activity they’re supposed to protect us from.  The so-called whistleblower protection bill Obama just signed is another one of these bills.  If you read further this bill exempts the CIA, FBI, Pentagon and any part of the Surveillance State from being held accountable.

Some believe if we just vote these people out of office things will change but this will only change the players on the chessboard.  Our system is corrupt from top to bottom.  Corporate forces have taken over our government and we must get money out of politics and over turn Citizens United.

Where is our outrage?  Where is our conscience?  We’ve become just like the Germans in the 1930’s and turned a blind eye to what is really going on in our country.  We must find the courage to stand up and speak out.  It’s up to each individual to take responsibility as a citizen of this country and decide is this how you want to live?  Is this the America you want?

Humanity is doomed until we can learn to resolve our disputes without violence and I believe we can stigmatize these weapons of mass destruction just like we did cigarettes and drunk driving in order to reduce our gun violence to a manageable level.  And why are we medicating our children?  Why do parents allow this when their minds are not even fully developed?  Drugging a child is not therapy except in extreme cases and certainly not effective parenting. We need to look into this. 

We’re living in fear-based thinking.  Fear is a dark ugly energy with a dark ugly voice that talks to people in ugly ways and encourages us to make wrong decisions.  Violence is the wrong decision.  People have to give up the fear or nothing will change.  It’s our belief system.  Our inner beliefs are merely being projected outward and made manifest into the world

Violence in our culture runs deep but we can no longer afford to live in an “us versus them” universe.  It no longer serves us and it doesn’t work.  Separation is of the ego.  We are one.  What we do to our brothers we do to ourselves.  People are awakening globally and standing up against the dark forces of tyranny.  The violence in the world we are experiencing is created by the hatred in our hearts and the negative thoughts of fear we project out into the world. 

 734964_445134522207586_1802897985_nOur permanent war, violent, high tech, consumer driven culture glorifies torture claiming it’s a useful way to stop terrorist attacks (Zero Dark Thirty) or that repeatedly raping an unconscious 16-year-old girl until they believed she was dead was all in good fun and she deserved it after all (Steubenville, Ohio football team and their supporters).  Is this what passes for entertainment and acceptable behavior? 

 “A Course in Miracles” teaches, “you become what you defend against.” And in our case we’ve become the terrorists we claim to loath and despise.  We’ve become the dark side.  So unless our consciousness is raised and we evolve we will soon destroy ourselves in a demise of our own ego making. 


Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars…Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.






About recoveringarmybrat

Jill Dalton is a recovering army brat/writer/performer who has appeared in film and television as well as performing her solo plays in New York and around the country. Most recently she can be seen in and consulted for William Hurt on the HBO film, “Too Big To Fail.” Her articles have been published on: Dandelion Salad, RSN, OpEdNews Progressive Activists Voice & NationofChange. Her book, "Is It Fascism Yet?" is available on Amazon.com. View all posts by recoveringarmybrat

23 responses to “When the War Comes Home

  • Kelly B.

    Well written. Sadly, this suggests that I lay down and let violence occur if it comes to me. All I have to say is that the response time in Pittsburgh is so bad that if we rely on them, we would surely be screwed. I have no issue with someone excersising their right to remain unproteced, I simply ask for the same respect in return. For anyone, ANYONE to suggest that an answer to the actions of one crazy person is to tie the hands of the innocent is reckless. Personally, I feel that you should be allowed to do whatever you want in your own house, so long as it does not harm (notice I said harm and not offend) anyone else, or damage anyone else’s property. Rememer this… if we cannot respect a person’s choice to pursue happiness in their own way, how can we seriously expect anyone to allow us to live in peace, the way we choose?

  • Steve M.

    Shah of Iran…

  • Jim R.

    I guess army-brats are liberal wimps….
    Air force brats tend to have “gonads”….FYI army-brat, the 2nd amendment guarantees me the right to shoot the tyrants in govt, with my weapon of choice…should they decide to take my Liberty!

    • recoveringarmybrat

      I guess you haven’t been paying attention then because they’ve already taken your liberties. Peaceful protestors are now arrested. Illegal search and seizures at every airport. Stop and Frisk laws. NDAA signed into law allows all US citizens to be picked up and thrown into prison without due process and held indefinitely.

  • Tom

    The facts that are coming out do not support your sycophantic recount of Newtown. This was an Israeli hit team sent to stir yup the gun ban issue, and all the loudmouths pushing it are Israel-firsters. There is no actual record of the patsie Nancy Lanza owning guns or going to firing ranges, where they have cameras. There is no way the guns portrayed would do the damage done in that manner. And countless other anomolies, so quit pushing the party line.

    • recoveringarmybrat

      Tom,I will repeat to you what I said to Derek.
      May I suggest you stop spreading conspiracy theory junk that has been debunked. This is irresponsible and serves no purpose but to cause more harm. Here’s a great article that debunks the conspiracy theories surrounding the Sand Hook Shootings.

      The author concludes her findings with:
      “As an activist and journalist it is my job to tell the truth, to fact check and credibly source the information I pass off as “news”. Social media has allowed people to play investigative journalist with little to no regard for the damage these people do. Our country is in a very tumultuous time and violence and uprisings should not be incited over falsities. If you have gotten caught up in the Sandy Hook insanity you need to take a good hard look at your contribution to humanity and check yourself to be sure that what you propagate is real and not just something to hit the “share” button on.”

  • Marc

    Sad state of affairs indeed. The second amendment should be listed as the first in order to protect the rest from a rising fascist tyranny. This fascist tyranny I speak of has in the past funded the red communists, Hitler, Mao an is the current puppet masters eroding our bill of rights and outsourcing jobs and crushing us with the federal reserve’s debt tool. We have a domestic enemy in our midst, we are like the frog in the pot of water. I say jump froggy jump before it’s too late.

  • derek longley

    obviously you haven´t been reading the alternative real news sites…it is more than obvious that this whole sandy hook “scene” is a false flag…you don´t seem to mention that there is nothing sure about the official story and that it stinks to high heaven with inconsistencies, outright lies and blatant contradictions…..actors playing parents, coroners playing stupid, media playing opportunistic whores….please, I ask you to use your voice after looking into the story a bit more, and then get your men to move….they may have taken all your liberties but they haven´t taken your mind have they?…yet?

    • recoveringarmybrat

      Derek, may I suggest you stop spreading conspiracy theory junk that has been debunked. This is irresponsible and serves no purpose but to cause more harm. Here’s a great article that debunks the conspiracy theories surrounding the Sand Hook Shootings.

      The author concludes her findings with:
      “As an activist and journalist it is my job to tell the truth, to fact check and credibly source the information I pass off as “news”. Social media has allowed people to play investigative journalist with little to no regard for the damage these people do. Our country is in a very tumultuous time and violence and uprisings should not be incited over falsities. If you have gotten caught up in the Sandy Hook insanity you need to take a good hard look at your contribution to humanity and check yourself to be sure that what you propagate is real and not just something to hit the “share” button on.”

  • Andrew Beckett

    Wow! I’m sorry but words fail me sometimes when I read such a well-written, eloquent article. I’m sure that all the negative comments come from volunteers or those on the payroll of the NRA. Thank God for people like you, and I look forward to reading more of your work. Here in Canada, the NRA and other American political groups gave enormous help in electing Steven Harper on the issue of the now defunct “long gun registry.” They convinced the electorate that it would criminalize hunters and farmers, and be a nightmare of bureaucracy with a huge price tag. In reality, registering a shotgun can be done by phone, takes five minutes, and costs nothing. Keep up the good work–your bravery is an inspiration to us all.

    • recoveringarmybrat

      Thanks Andrew, for your sane words. So many people get caught up in the hysteria of things and are unable to hold a civil, intelligent conversation. People react instead of acting. Many people no longer know how to think and connect the dots.

  • David McElroy

    Jill Dalton is either deluded or deceitful in her bleeding heart. Outlawing our rights and means to self defense are not going to end violence. After a horrendous massacre, liberals rush to disarm people who committed no crime, and skew statistics, spew lies, to claim nobody outside government service should have a gun. A disarmed populace only encourages evil predators, lunatics, common criminals, and tyrants like Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and Obama. Dalton claimed Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law caused Travon Martin’s “senseless murder”. Police found stolen jewelry in martin’s pockets after he assaulted, and was shot by, a Neighborhood Watch man who spotted his suspicious behavior. Dalton would have have yield to evil, cowering in fear. Yes, Jill, Offense is prohibited, but Defense is a duty. Even Christ advised disciples to buy swords in Luke 22:36, at a time when Roman law prohibited civilian sword possession. Defense is a God-given right for all His creatures!

    • recoveringarmybrat

      David, your words sound a bit hysterical. Again no one is advocating taking anything away from anyone. This hysteria is just a way to not allow a real discussion to take place about what is going on in this country with all the proto fascist groups, i.e. Tea Party members and no one has tried to shut them down. Certainly not the government. In fact, they shut down the Occupy Movement, which was gunless and peaceful. As for stolen jewelry found in Trevon Martin’s pockets I’m afraid I need some proof of this. I certainly have heard nothing about that and in our racist society if this were the case it’d bee all over the news.

  • Arthur Patriart

    The paradox that many gun owners cannot escape is this. The US is under the control of criminals and traitors, does it make sense to let them disarm us when they are the major threat to our survival?

  • Michael I.

    I am not a member of of the NRA, nor do I own a gun. I do not belong to any political party, and I only speak for myself as a critically thinking person. I do not support war, any war but I served in the military a long time ago. I have no agenda except to live my life in peace with my neighbors.

    I wish it were that we lived in a world where guns and other methods of self-defense were not necessary. I wish it were that we lived in a world where evreybody had nutritious food, fresh water, and clean energy, free from disease and the ravages of time. I wish it were that we lived in a world where people looked out for one another and practiced good stewardship in all that they do.

    That world does not exist,

    Though this article is well-written, it speaks through emotion and not reality (which combines emotion with logic, at least to an extent). Cars kill more people every hour than guns (not used in a war setting) do. Cigarettes kill more people in the USA per minute that guns do in a day…I know; I smoke. Kitchen injuries happen all the time, with knives, forks, hot oil, wet floors…the list goes on and on. What do cars, kitchens, and smoking have in common?

    None of them are banned (although they are working hard on the latter); people have the choice to operate an motor vehicle or cook or smoke, mostly unmolested. Owning a gun is no different; it should be a matter of choice, individually, on whether one owns one or not, and no amount of legislature, whining, emotion stirring, or other should be allowed to interfere with that choice. When it comes down to the wire, a person should have the right to defend themselves by any means necessary.


    • recoveringarmybrat

      I find it interesting Michael is saying people have the right to own a gun. I never once said they didn’t. In fact, I said, “I personally detest guns but I don’t believe our government has the right to confiscate them either. My Colonel father owned guns, which he kept under lock and key. I never saw one unless he took them out to clean them except once when he thought we had a burglar downstairs. My father called out in a very loud voice, “I’m going to get my gun.” I said, “Are you going to shoot someone?” His reply, “If someone’s in my house I will.” Now, I realize he was speaking loudly to give the would-be burglar, if indeed there was one, a chance to get the heck out of our house. Because dealing with weapons was part of my father’s profession there was total respect for them and what they’re used for, to kill people.”

      However, I do not believe people have the right to own assault weapons. What purpose do they serve? Our whole society is based in fear and violence and our need for guns shows this. Other countries don’t have the same amount of gun violence. We need to take a long hard look at ourselves, which most people refuse to do for fear of what they might see. It takes real courage to look within and see the darkness lurking there.

  • Gary Corseri

    This is beautifully written–a cri de coeur which will be heard by some, but, probably, sadly, far too few. Very likely, we are past the tipping point when matters might have seriously changed in Amerika. (Yes, hard “k”!) That time was over 20 years ago–with the end of the Cold War, and the undelivered “Peace Dividend” that the bastard CIA-prez George Bush talked about, but never delivered. Ms. Dalton is right–we are a nation awash in fear and paranoia, educated by corporate media, and mis-educated from kindergarten onward never to develop the means of rational discourse. I believe it was Horace who said of decadent Rome–it will fall of its own bigness. (He meant, the extent of its corruption!). I hope Ms. Dalton’s words can save her and those like her whose humanity has not been totally shredded by an inane and perverse system that incorporates and at once indicts our media, our educational institutions, our medical establishment, our military and police, our religious institutions–well, in fact, our culture!

  • When the War Comes Home by Jill Dalton « Dandelion Salad

    […] Jill Dalton Guest Writer Dandelion Salad recoveringarmybrat, Jan. 12, 2013 January 19, […]

  • C. R.

    Jill this is excellent work. I am very glad to have met you. Not sure if you saw my article “Selling Violence in America”, but I think you will like it. It speaks directly to your message about violent media and entertainment. Also, you will probably like “Medicine Money; a Prescription for Legal Bribery” as it speaks to the pharmaceutical industry and the doping of our children. Keep up the great work!! ~ C

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